Even coaches can use a coach.

I recently told a client that I use a coach to program my workouts. Yes, I am a certified ISSA personal trainer and Level 1 Crossfit Trainer and I don’t do my own programming. Why you may ask? Well to begin with I like to find someone who is going to challenge me, push me harder than I think I can.

Secondly, if I pay for a coach, I will do the programming. Lastly, I won’t cherry pick my favorite movements or say I will do this tomorrow when I know I have to check in and give feedback. I also love getting my workouts at the beginning of the month, putting them in my workout journal and then preparing myself for what I will be doing. I can then schedule my days weeks ahead if I need to have more time, if I have two workouts in a day or get an easy/light day. I am very structured; I do not do well with not knowing what I am going to be doing-I think this is all the years being a runner and planning my entire YEAR ahead of time. I also like the experience of my coach. I may know a lot about some things, but he knows 100xs more than me and I respect what he does for me.

So if I can use a coach, why can’t you as a beginner? I firmly believe utilizing a certified personal trainer will give you-possibly new the gym- many things: appropriate workouts to your level and ability, ensuring you are doing movements safely and correctly, and having someone guide you to success. This will also take the fear of the big gym and all that equipment away. He/she will guide you through your program and explain why each movement is beneficial to YOU. We all have different needs, abilities, capacities and limitations and that trainer will be ready to meet each of those needs.

If you are interested in finding out on how to find a personal trainer (because you need to find a good one), reach out and I will gladly help. My take away? Do it! Letting the professionals keep you safe and healthy is worth every penny.

Sydney Lynn Creative

A design studio that creates impactful brands + websites for small biz owners + entrepreneurs who want to push boundaries.


Nutrition and your diet: Be patient.